Monthly Archives

August 2018

Menu Thursday 02/08/2018

By | menu la cuina sana eng

First Course

Pasta salad with feta cheese, avocado and dry tomato

Paella with seafood

Broccoli with boiled potatoes

Buffet of egg-made pasta imported from Italy

Salad buffet

Second course

Marinated lean meat

Chicken grilled with firewood

Veal strogonoff

Stew of fresh octopus with garlic

Menu Wednesaday 01/08/2018

By | menu la cuina sana eng

First Course

Brussels sprouts with mushrooms, garlic and pine nuts

Cous cous with mint, nuts and citrus

Homemade caneloni with bechamel sauce

Buffet of egg-made pasta imported from Italy

Salad buffet

Second course

Grilled Turkey meat

Kung Pao style chicken

Veal scalope

Fresh sword fish with pickled citrus